I was so happy to be able to see the most amazing
once in a lifetime exhibit of Joanna Rose's 651
Red and White quilts at the American Folk Art Museum in New York City....
This Exhibit is a love story
Between Joanna and her husband
Between the couple and the city of New York
And it is a love story to quilters.
This is Joanna Rose, isn't she beutiful? Donna DeSoto sent me this photo that Jane Brown took.
Time to add this to your collection, buy your copy here, you won't regret it.
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It is the most moving quilt exhibit I've ever seen
I have this strong connection to the quilters that came before me
They made quilts... I make quilts
And I feel we both did it for the pure joy of making, and I think many of these quilts express that joy.
This blog is my gift to you. A place to list all the red and white love we can find.
Each photographer and blogger has their spin, and I want to see it ALL!
So please leave me a comment when you find a new place the exhibit is mentioned.
I've heard that a BOOK is in the works.. woot woot!
It will be produced by the American Folk Art Museum and you can be notified about it by joining the AFAM mailing list. See the details here: http://www.folkartmuseum.org/infinitevariety
I'll be updating the list below.
Digital & Social Media
Download the Free App by typing in Infinite Variety to your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or Android. You'll get a digital guide to the exhibition, including images of all the quilts
Enter the Photo Contest
Submit your “Infinite Variety” photos to the museum’s group pool on Flickr pool. They are looking for original and striking images that capture the scope and beauty of the installation, and we encourage entries from all ages. The deadline is April 11, 2011. The winner will be announced April 25 and will receive a yearlong membership to the museum and a museum tote bag.
I am going to be adding to the list below as I find blogs and flickr pools of the quilts. I'll also be issuing a 'Make a Red and White' Challenge in the near future.. so stay tuned!
My Flickr Pool
And the Folk Art museum installaion shots
************ Red and White Sightings *************
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- FOlk Art Museum competition http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/650quilts/
- NYC NYC Photostream CLICK HERE for first in Red/White
- JeanSophie http://www.flickr.com/photos/sophiejunction/sets/72157626244054167/
- Lori Heddinger http://www.flickr.com/photos/howudoing/5559797877/
- FHH NYC http://www.flickr.com/photos/fredhecker/sets/72157626234761245/
- isaiah http://www.flickr.com/photos/isaiahj/5566219893/
- yuko n sherlock http://www.flickr.com/photos/right-on/5566182243/
- n2shop - http://www.flickr.com/photos/n2shop/sets/72157625517937776/
- twi-ny http://www.flickr.com/photos/twi-ny/sets/72157626241158307/
- famous potato http://www.flickr.com/photos/kjlyons/sets/72157626234924635/with/5562269945/
- sylivia http://www.flickr.com/photos/sillycreatures/sets/72157626369068594/
- tais http://www.flickr.com/photos/tais/sets/72157626231786717/with/5566824956/
- j*househttp://www.flickr.com/photos/jhousephoto/sets/72157626233864309/
- JYC http://www.flickr.com/photos/12023044@N03/sets/72157626227279523/
- Quilting Board CLICK HERE to this forum page
- SundayBee http://www.flickr.com/photos/34190136@N03/sets/72157626366032422/
- Hlit http://www.flickr.com/photos/29311691@N05/5565392375/in/photostream/
- mrsmedia http://www.flickr.com/photos/56135456@N03/5565733486/
- dmkramer31 http://www.flickr.com/photos/61045548@N02/5562162544/
- Mfree http://www.flickr.com/photos/tarkio11/5568489609/
- Bumble Beans http://www.flickr.com/photos/bumblebeans/sets/72157626251695925/
- kateshanley http://www.flickr.com/photos/kateshanley/sets/72157626376270554/
- Alice http://www.flickr.com/photos/61155094@N04/5569774272/
- Silvia http://www.flickr.com/photos/sillycreatures/sets/72157626369068594/
- Donna D
- Big Rig Quilting http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigrigquilting/sets/72157626387261052/
- Bonesteel http://gallery.me.com/bonesteel#100503&bgcolor=black&view=grid
- Bumble Beans March 28
- Carrie Nelson - Miss Rosie
- NYC Blog
- Terri Atkinson
- Merrimack Valley Quilters
- Leni Weiner
- Leslie Tucker Jenison
- Manhatten Craft Room
- Hoodie
- will work for fabric
- Linda lum deBono
- Joan F
- Martha
- Helen James
- Adventures in Barding
- Cheryl L
- SophieJunction
- Part Ave Armory
- Minick & Simpson
- Kate Spain
- Her Glow
- Floating on a Quilted Cloud
- Red Head Mermaid
- Quilts in the Barn, several posts
- Rachel C
- Crafty Kara
- I sew Quilts - several posts
- TimQuilts
- Karen at Selvage - severl posts
- Root Connection
- CLICK HERE For a short article on the collector
- CLICK HERE Wall Street Journal and HERE
- CLICK HERE The Daily Beast
- CLICK HERE from FT.com
- CLICK HERE for Description of the APP
- CLICK HERE for Crash Collective artile
- Gala Benefit Preview 1
- Gala Benefit Preview 2
- CLICK HERE Artfagcity
- The Installation
- SunDog Studios http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XK99ct7o5s
- American Folk Art Museum video
- Chance TV on the fly CLICK HERE
- ChristiNYCa 3 of them from the show floor CLICK HERE
- Chance TV and article Click here
- Martha Stewart's blog
- The Quilt Show
- Big Rig Quilting
- BIZARRE (and bad language)... but it DOES show the red and white quilts in the beginning.. view at your own risk... stop as soon as he switches to stand up comic! CLICK HERE
- michaelfoster6
- Rharp111
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