Super Simple Super Easy Camp Sloanie Winter 2010 Stashbuster block!
pick 2 colors with high contrast, more is great.. but it's fun to try a 2 color quilt!
Cut 2.5" strips or use your jelly rolls or precut stash! 5 strips if using 2.5" ... if you have finished 1" strips then use 10 strips.
Trim to a 10.5" square. If your sewing has it as a 10.25" square.. NO PROBLEM! Just trim them all the same!
Cut squares of the alternate color the same size as your strip square... 10.5" or 10.25"
now to make 2 half square triangles, which is your finished block! Draw a line on the diagonal with any writing device
Sew 1/4" away from the line on BOTH sides of the line.
you can see the lines on the back of the block
Cut the blocks apart ON the line. Press open
Trim to YOUR size either 9 3/4" or 10" depending on how your sewing went. Just be sure you trim them all the same.
two blocks done!!! My layout has the colors alternating.. but you could make them all the same. Or if doing scrappy strips they don't change, but change out the square colors. Do what works best for the fabrics you have, as this is a stashbuster quilter!
Save all these ends.. you can cut them into 2.5" or 2" or whatever size strips. Then use THOSE for an inner border to the quilt!
CLICK HERE to Download 2010 Feb Camp Sloanie pattern
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