March 20, 2010 Quilt Day!
To celebrate Quilt Day we held a quilt show in Second life!
Prior to Quilt Day the Quilters in Second Life submitted photos of their quilts with a Spring theme.
Then on March 20th we picked 6 winners to receive prizes!!
The top prize being this custom picked kit of threads!!
We had the MOST AMAZING quilts entered.. what fun to see them all hanging in 3 rooms at Caravane!
Here is JoAnne the winner.. in her fancy dress drinking a beer.. yes.. this IS second life!! Alex awarded the gifts.. we decided he has too much hair gel going on.. but hey...second life can be like that!
We even had ribbons for the quilts!
I hope you can join us next time we have an event. Get on my Facebook Quilters in Second life group so you know all that is going on!
CLICK HERE for the Facebook Page
CLICK HERE to take you to the town in Second Life.
When you are IN Second Life join my quilt group there search on Quilters in Second life and become a member!
March 17, 2010 Join us on St. Patrick's Day
at 9pm EST on
St. Patrick's day come to Caravane to hook up with other Quilters! Due to a scheduling conflict I will not be in SL until around 11pm EST.
BUT.. you don't need ME to say hi to fellow quilters and go explore great finds!
- First Someone take a photo of the group, remember to all wear Green!
- Second everyone Go on GROUP CHAT.
- If someone is having issues with clothing and such NOW is the perfect time to ask for help from fellow quilters!
- Then run around finding fun St. Patrick's day things to do! here are a few landmarks...
- St. Patricks Land... - Glendalough - st. patricks day - accessory fair - loads of Freebies!
- St. Patricks Land...
- And A trip to Dublin is a must this night!
CLICK HERE to take you Caravane.. our Quilt Town!
March 15, 2010
Newbie Tutorial Link.. added to a Discussion
topic for reference at the facebook fan page
Facebook Quilters in SL Fan Page -
March 12, 2010 Join us on St. Patrick's Day AND on National Quilt Day
at 9pm EST on St. Patrick's day come to Caravane to hook up with other Quilters! I am going to be there for an hour helping people with their inventory and clothing... as it's a tad confusing to figure out at times!
Those who don't need help will go on GROUP CHAT and then run around finding fun St. Patrick's day things to do! I have a few land marks and I'm sure more will pop up. A trip to Dublin is a must this night!
Wear Green and come prepared to chat and have fun meeting your fellow quilters in SL!
CLICK HERE to take you to the town.
National Quilt Day is March 20th!
A Quilt Gallery will be hung and there will be a contest and prizes.... you know it's always a party at Caravane!!
The fun will start at 4:30pm east coast (1:30pm
west coast/ 9:30pm central Europe)
The winners will be
announced at 5:30pm east coast (2:30pm west coast/10:30pm central
The Quilt Show theme is "SPRING" (quilts above are mine, Pat Sloan... they will be in an upcoming book!)
Send a
photo of your Spring Theme quilt for the gallery to [email protected] along with
your name
• link to your website or blog or flickr folder
title of the quilt and its size.
Photos must be received before
midnight (west coast) 19 March 2010 to be included in the
Then attend the AURIFIL SPRING QUILT CONTEST IN SECONDLIFE on National Quilt Day March 20, 2010
The Grand
Prize is One AMAZING SUITCASE of 48 SPOOLS of Aurifil thread
Third and Fourth prize prize will be offered by Pat Sloan , Marianne
Byrne-Goarin’s latest book of woolfelt designs “Cinnamon
Inspirations” and
EVERYONE else that submits a
quilt for the quilt show AND attends the prize ceremony will also
receive an Aurifil gift.
At 5:30pm east coast, the
presentation of the winners will be announced in world. Winners must
be present at the presentation to win, we KNOW you want to be
All the quilts received will be hung in a gallery with
a link to the website or blog of the creator when available. We can't
WAIT to show off your work! The gallery will be open to visitors
until end of May 2010.
take you to the town.
Jury : Alex Veronelli, Pat Sloan, Jodie
Davis, Marianne Byrne-Goarin
Feb 13, 2010 Valentine Bingo, Italian Style!
Here we are with our Bingo Cards... the GIANT board has the numbers that Alex unveiled!
We are playing the Italian version of Bingo... finding number in a 'row' only...with 5 prizes and we had TWO cards fill up so TWO final prizes... what fun this was!
After the exciting Bingo ... the winners are
- Lavendar Spirit 2 in a row Aurifil color card
- Licia Applewhyte 3 in a row QNNTV membership
- Michele Lexington 4 in a row a CD by Sarah Vedder
- Cleo Benusconi 5 in a row book by Marianne
- Quilter Littlebird - full card - Thread Box1
- Cavey Daxter- full card - thread2
Jan 17, 2010 Hook Up!
First of all the party started EARLY! I dropped in 30 min before to find this scene.. a group dance to Thriller!
Once everyone got in (about 10 min after the meeting time) we did a TOAST to Quilters In SL.. then headed over to BunnyLand... better known as the "velveteen" Rabbit in the Ozimals sim. The housing is Built by Callie Cline. I now want a mushroom house ...
with a bunny ... of course!
we went next door to Strawberry land which is so beautiful. I want to live in a strawberry house!! Tons of quilters showed up, I think a total of 35 off and on! We closed down the entry to the sim at one point (although the non quilters didn't want to leave.. darn!)
I love the lanterns!
And our WILD AND CRAZY quilts started to dance in the Gazebo to close out the meeting.. it was Regge this time!
And just as we finished up, designer Callie Cline came to see what all the people were doing!! She is so nice and we took photos with her.
Velveteen Rabbit - Click HERE
Callie's Blog
HUGE Thank you to Jeanne for helping organize this AND we'll be contacting you soon to get a REAL quilt show hung in Second Life!
Video on the Quilter's In Second Life Christmas Party!
Click HERE to watch a video about SL and our Christmas Open House Party... what fun!!
Our NEXT quilters gathering in Second life is on Sunday January 17. The times are
SecondLifeTime and PST = 12:00 noon
MST = 1:00pm
CST = 2:00pm
EST = 3:00pm...
Jeanne Shimmer (IN SL) is helping me run the monthly meeting. Send her a friend request in SL (along with joining the Quilters in Second Life group and being my friends (Paisley Jannings).
The Quilter's Land of Caravane City is being rebuilt.. it's now ready for you see the buildings but a lot of work is still to be done
Check back here or at the FB Fan page for updates. CLICK HERE to take you to the town. You can dive off the board right now.. fun fun!
The Facebook FAN PAGE for Quilters in Second Life.. CLICK HERE
December 19, 2009 - Quilters in SL Open House, sponsored by Aurifil Thread, Jodie Davis, Marianna of Cinnamon Patch in France and myself!
WE had the MOST fabulous time!! 68 quilters came to the Second Life Open house. We had music, we had ice skating, we had gift boxes and of course the drawings for a lot of fabulous prizes!
Here I am in my party dress (there IS a red skirt with this.. hehe!)... I even had a plate of food.. what's a party without food??? Yum!!
Alex from Aurifil in the red jacket, very dashing! Jodie Davis in the red plaid, me in the santa girl outfit with my dog Chole and more quilters behind me! We had a LOVELY exhibit of REAL quilts (photos sent to us prior).. and you can see the ice rink!
Here we are taking a break before the prizes are announced... (click the photo to see a larger image). We had the VERY BEST TIME!! I hope you can join us for the next event.
Be sure you are signed up for my email newsletter or are my Facebook friend (CLICK).. join my forum too (CLICK).. I'll announce the next event in January!
Added a FAN PAGE to Facebook for Quilters in Second Life.. CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE for my tour of the site.. then look at the other videos Matt did of the prizes being awarded
And the Prize list.. gotta give the prize list!Winners will be contacted during next week so we can ship your prizes.
Kevin Key WINNER
AURIFIL WONDERFUL SUITCASE with 216 colors in 50wt for piecing
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Terri Stegmiller WINNER
Marianne Byrne-Goarin's latest book of woolfelt designs "Cinnamon Inspirations
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Kelly Kreft WINNER
“ Pat Sloan's Camera, Color, Quilts! “ , her newest book on how to look at your photos in a totally different way to create beautiful quilts.
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Karen Mayne WINNER
Quilting Rubber Duckie offered by will make you bath tube happy forever
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Kat Norman WINNER
“Country Corral” is the pattern Bradie Sparrow Measures 100x100.
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Karen McCaffrey WINNER
Stitchin' Heaven "Block of the Month Headquarters and the very best in quality, service, selection, and value" offered also a “ $100 SHOPPING SPREE at Stitchin' Heaven “
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Beth Blevins WINNER
Sarah Vedeler would be very happy to offer one of her Hearts CDs for Second Life giveaway! Original designs featuring Embroidered Appliqué. 6 stunning hearts, each in 3 sizes giving 18 unique and beautiful designs. Full instructions to achieve stunning results.
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Sew many places and Quiltposium magazine would like to give you a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE ( this can be used toward any land tour or expedition they are offering, but not a cruise or quiltaway program.)
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Cindy Dickinson WINNER
Joan E. Smith also offered a hand beaded lanyard of turquoise stones for the contest, we must clap our hands for Joan that offer a prize without have a business to promote but only for friendship
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Tracey Pereira WINNER
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Amanda Hopkins
Thanks to QNNtv we will have other 2 prizes , one winner will get Jodie’s book “Quilting with Jodie in Cotton Country “
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Now for something totally virtual. Have you heard of Second Life (SL)? I signed in at the end of December 2006 and I've met loads of cool people and I have tons of fun.
In early spring on 2007 I started a quilt group in SL... "Quilter's In SL." We are about 80 people at the moment and we've had several meetings, sort of like a guild.
If you have never heard of SL, it's a virtual world where everybody is represented by an avatar (a mini-me if you like). This is a photo of my Avatar, "Paisley Jannings." When you sign up you have a choice of last names, then you can pick any first name you like.
And there I am at a sewing machine I recently found in a store.. it runs and makes a sewing machine noise.. so fun! Part of the quilter's challenge is to try and find fabric, sewing or crafty things 'in world'.
So have I peeked your interest a bit? Let me give you some background...
What is Second Life?
--- It's an online 3D virtual world.
--- It's a fun place to hang out and meet people.
--- It's a place to learn new things, like how to build (make) stuff like shoes, houses, bridges, and hair in the graphics provided by the site. All things are 'built' by someone and either sold or given away.
--- It's a place where you can fly, transport, and do things you may not do in Real Life (RL). I've loved going on hot hair balloon rides, riding bumper cars, hanging out in a community that is JUST like Dublin Ireland, and meeting up with people. Making new friends like Alex at Aurifil Thread.
What it is NOT
--- It's NOT a game.. but there ARE games "in world" if that interests you.
--- It's NOT for children .. in fact no one under 18 is allowed to sign up. Adult content can be found, even when you are not looking for it!
--- It's NOT real... it's simulated and many people prefer to be there and forget real life. So not everyone is quick or willing to share their real life. But many will... and either way it doesn't matter as you still meet and chat with great people in this community.
--- It's NOT a web site. You cannot quickly check in and see what's going on... It's a virtual world and there is a bit of a learning curve to find your way around.
Do you want to check it out?
--- Sign up by joining Second Life ... CLICK HERE.. it's free! Be sure to check the PC requirements first.
--- pick a name, then you receive an 'Avatar' of
--- Follow the new comers instructions. It takes you through a 'course' where you learn to 'drive' your avatar. It's quite fun!
--- You can customize your avatar with different hair, skin,
makeup, and of course.. my favorite.. CLOTHING.. woot woot!
--- After that click SEARCH at the bottom of your screen. Then click GROUPS on the top right tabs... enter Quilters in SL in the search box... join and I'll see you there!
The community is SO varied and SO vast you will never tire of it. There
are 'groups' who have like minded interests.. there are business from
Real Life and business that are ONLY Second Life. I've meet a lawyer
that practices law in Chicago AND in Second Life. And I've meet mom's
who teach English as a Second Language ONLY in SL.
People are from ALL the around the world and it's WAY fun to chat with them.
One of the ladies organized a quilt show.. the second photo is quilts hanging in the show.. isn't that so cool?? We TOTALLY enjoyed it!
Last photo is our VERY FIRST quilt meeting! If you want to see more ... I have a SL blog by Paisley .... CLICK HERE
Aurifil is my where my quilt studio is. Alex is moving and rebuilding. When the site is done I'll post some photos. Read the group notices to see when the next meeting is... see you there!